What should we build today?
Here's a little task that should cover the remaining assessment events for a bunch of modules: complex mark up language documents, emerging web technologies, introduction to programming and the client server envirnoment. It's due on the 19th June 2006
The problem
I'd like you to create a web based form that allows someone to enter event details (these could be for greening bathurst events, an upcoming gig for your band, your social calendar, whatever).
The form should allow for the entry of a date, title, description, location and and url to further event details (or a web site home page if there are no details online).
Once submitted, the form should call some script that creates an RSS file with the event information. For now we'll assume that there will only be one event at a time in this file, but in a later, database driven version, we'll be looking at how to list multiple events.
What you need to produce
For 3756V - Introduction to Programming
- An IPO table of the process
For 3756Y - Complex Mark Up Language Docuemnts
- A form for entering the data. To make the date input unambiguous, allow the user to select days, months and years from dropdown boxes.
- An RSS file for the event generated by some PHP script. This can be in RSS 0.91, 1.0 or 2.0 format but it must be validated
For bonus marks
- see if you can add some client side JavaScript that prevents users from submitting the form with empty fields
What I need to see on or before the 19th June, 2006:
An assignment cover sheet attached to a copy of your IPO diagram and URLs to the pages with your RSS feed link and your form for entering new events.
You might find the followning web sites useful:
- The BBC news page about their RSS feeds - for some insight on how and why RSS is being used in the real world
- Tizag's lesson on PHP forms
- The Zend tutorial on PHP file handling
- XUL - a step-by-step tutorial on building and using RSS feeds.
- The W3c feed validator: http://validator.w3.org/feed/
Thanks to The One True Stickman for a picture of his junk corner